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Posts tagged ‘dining out’

Once More on the Go: Sticky Fingers Bakery

“Once More on the Go” will henceforth signal a restaurant review or dining out experience (unless I change my mind later on). I’ve been trying to make more meals at home, but sometimes you just want to go out and have something prepared for you – nothing wrong with that! Being a vegetarian on the go can be a bit more difficult, especially if you want more than just mac-and-cheese, a baked potato, or a side “salad” (because apparently iceberg lettuce and one wedge of tomato counts as a salad to some places). So while all I can offer are my own opinions, I do want to share my dining experiences with others so you can get an idea of where to go – and what to avoid!

First up is a place that everyone must go to at least once – Sticky Fingers Sweets and Eats.

The T.L.T. (tempeh-lettuce-tomato) on multigrain bread

Oh, Sticky Fingers, how I love thee. I don’t live in Columbia Heights but if I did I would basically live at this cafe and bakery. Their whole menu is vegan and includes sandwiches, hot dogs, an assortment of baked treats, and even vegan soft serve! It’s perfect if you’re looking for a simple sandwich, cup of coffee, or baked treat without having to worry about animal products of any kind.

While the fare here can be a bit more processed than this blog focuses on, it does feature opportunities for healthier eating if you so choose. When I’ve gone in the past I’ve usually gotten a hot sandwich such as their amazing vegan tuna melt, which is made with soy tuna, vegan cheese, vegan mayo, and if you wish, added tempeh. Mmmmm. But it’s not too filled with veggies, and it relies a lot on mock subs, which translates into a whole lot of processing! So it’s not something I want to eat everyday.

On my last visit, I decided to meet fresh vs. processed halfway with the T.L.T. – a tempeh, lettuce, and tomato sandwich with vegan mayo on multigrain bread.


I really liked that this sandwich was piled high with dark leafy greens and tomatoes with just one layer of smoked tempeh (aka tempeh bacon), so it gave the fresh vegetables a chance to stand out. The serving of vegan mayo was generous but not overboard, which was nice. Plus, you can’t beat bread with sunflower seeds on the crust! If I would’ve changed anything, I would’ve toasted the bread, because that’s how I always ate BLT’s growing up. However, this sandwich was very tasty and filling as is, and didn’t weigh-lay me the way that other, meltier options sometimes do (but oh, is it worth it).

I also had a delicious dirty chai (chai with one shot of espresso added) with my sandwich, which was brewed to perfection. The foam didn’t make me gag, for a change; and the drink had a nice flavor without being sickeningly sweet like other chai lattes. Plus, it came with a heart design in the foam – what’s not to love?

A dirty chai is also known as a red eye chai, and is a great pick-me-up!

In short, if you haven’t been to Sticky Fingers yet, you must go. Vegan or no, the food is delicious and (can be) reasonably healthy and fresh!